more women into the trades and offer
tradeswomen (both new and experienced)
opportunities for networking, skill building,
leadership development and organizing.
Each year, hundreds of tradeswomen
share strategies and build the support and
resources to thrive and advance in skilled
building trades careers.
Rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure
and utilizing green technologies are the
best solutions to addressing the challenges
the construction industry has
faced for several years and growing the
economy. Women must have access to the
high-wage, high-skilled jobs.
With the 2012 election fast approaching,
this is an important opportunity to
educate and motivate the women of our
industry to get involved.
Workshop tracks include: Pre-apprentice;
staying in & staying strong; building
leadership skills in the union; on the job
and in the community; policy and politics;
and nourishing extras.
Jointly planned by the California Building
Trades Council, Tradeswomen Inc., and the
BCTD’s Committee for Women in the
Trades, the conference promises to offer an
exciting and productive two and one-half
days of more than 30 workshops and plenary
sessions featuring tradeswomen advocates
and leaders, politicians, union leaders,
apprenticeship coordinators, and contractors.
We hope you will join women across
the country in Sacramento for another historic
gathering of tradeswomen.
Registration Fee:
$75 per person* (if received before March 31)
$100 per person* (if received by May 14)
$125 per person* (May 15 thru paying at the door)
*includes two continental breakfasts, lunch, reception and snacks
See full brochure: http://www.bctd.org/BCTD/media/Files/web-brochure_Layout-1.pdf
See Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Women-Build-California/121494554532540?v=info
For more information: 916-443-3302 / www.sbctc.org
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